Thursday, July 20, 2017

Some of our friends gave us tickets to sea life park so we brought the kids yesterday! Both had so much fun and it was fun watching their excitement about everything!

Taking sister for a ride

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Saturday, July 15, 2017

We had been thinking of going to the Big Island for a while now. After realizing how little time we have left in Hawaii we figured we should do it now! 
Day 1- we went to Waimea Valley, Akaka Falls, Rainbow Falls, and then to see the Lava glow at night. 
Day 2- we hiked around Volcano National Park and went to the Observatory to stargaze. 
Day 3- we saw turtles sunbathing on Black Sand Beach, went to Green Sand Beach, and the City of Refuge. 

It was a very busy 3 days, everyone is exhausted, but it was a great adventure and we really enjoyed it! (And it was our first family trip with Adaline!)