Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Saturday, February 24, 2018

We finally arrived in Hawaii 21 hours after we should have and daddy was at baggage claim to pick us up! Boy are we happy to be home!

Yesterday was a horrible day but these kids are troopers. 

MSP airport started out with long lines for baggage check and security. We made it to our plane with 15 minutes to spare. When we landed we had 30 minutes to get off the plane and run to our next plane in Salt Lake City. 

Once we made it to our gate we learned our Salt Lake City flight was delayed for 6 hours! We killed as much time as we could before I called customer service and got re routed on a plane to LAX. 

Well due to weather at salt lake, our LAX flight was delayed to de-ice and we missed our connecting flight at LAX to Honolulu. 

At LAX, we were re routed to another airline that we could take to HNL last night but to our luck, we missed it by minutes after running through the whole LAX airport. 

Delta put us up in a wonderful hotel and provided a ton of meal vouchers for the kids and I as well as flight vouchers. 

So this morning we’re going to give it a shot again and hopefully today we make it to Honolulu! 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Nana and papa took the kids outside last night. Papa and jack built a snow puppy

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

When your piggies look like devil horns and you have the attitude to match...