Monday, July 30, 2018

There was no one at the playground on our way home from the walk so of course we had to stop and have our pick of the equipment!

Walks to see the turtles are always an adventure

Set up the pool again yesterday!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Jack's soccer team this season is called Blue Lightening and he's thrilled about it because it was the name he suggested they were called. He had his first game today! They did pretty good. He played great and we're so proud of him. He took a ball to the face and after a few minutes on the sideline he got back in there to play some more.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Adaline got her first haircut today! She hated every second of it. A sucker didn’t even console her. But now she can see!

Jack also got his hair cut and he’s already for kindergarten to start in a week and a half!

Monday, July 23, 2018

I think he outgrew his marine corps flight suit

These guys are loving shark week on discovery channel! They’re pretending to dive with the sharks and adaline keeps showing me how big they are.

Friday, July 20, 2018

 It was nice and hot out again today. Kids loved the chilly water!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Watching frozen and playing dress up

New sandals for this girl! She’s jumping all around because they light up. lol can you tell she’s excited?

Pool fun today!

 He stopped two goals tonight at practice in the midst of his Ninja fighting and twirling. He’s not the fastest on the field and he sure dinks around a lot but as soon as he sees the other team with the ball heading towards the goal he makes a mad dash and protects the goal. Couldn’t be more proud of our twirling ninja soccer player!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Adaline got in trouble for locking momma out of the house in the 2 seconds I stepped outside to take the garbage out. Jack was consoling her. They can be pretty sweet to each other. 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Jack had swim lessons yesterday! He’s such a little fish! Adaline was not too pleased to be strapped in her stroller. Had she not been she would have dove head first into the pool. That girl loves water!

Had our mango days 5k today! J couldn’t be there so we invited our friend Lyn to do it with us! Kids had fun and especially loved our traditional donuts after races!