Tuesday, August 28, 2018

She’s running from the paparazzi 

Jack says this morning before school, “I look like papa” I said you do, let me take your picture! This is the look he gives me.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Driveway surfing

Jacks doing his online reading class with a teacher and more kids! Adaline has to get into it too but was sad when she got scolded for touching things she wasn’t supposed to

Saturday, August 25, 2018

With the threat of Hurricane Lane over we’re enjoying our hurricane snacks 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

My little helper is tuckered our waiting to pick up brother. We were busy all morning getting ready for the hurricane so nap time was cut short. 

Monday, August 20, 2018

She’s mad she can’t fit all her little people in her pockets

Beating up dad

Adaline and I stopped at the park today after dropping jack odd at school. She was thrilled to have the run of the park to herself! 

We got the nurf guns out last night! Jack has a pretty good shot.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Jacks soccer game from Saturday 8/18/18. Adaline made friends with Jack teammates

Our friends came over for dinner and game night last night. The kids adore them and I think the feeling is mutual. 

We finished the third and final race of the tropical triple crown series this morning! We forgot our jogging stroller but thankfully we had the Tula to carry adaline and the umbrella stroller for jack! Of course as per tradition we got donuts after 

Friday, August 17, 2018

Adaline didn’t finish her dinner so she doesn’t get a snack. she’s watching brother very closely while he’s eating his cookie making sure he doesn’t drop a crumb.

Adaline and I painted our fingernails today!

This girl has gone on the big potty twice today!

Our last swim lesson with Ms. Paige. We’ve got a few more lessons lined up with another instructor but we liked Her the best! She taught jack so much!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Quarantine containers 

We may have had to skip the Scouts event today with jack being sick but we sent daddy to go get jack registered! 

Jacks not feeling well so we skipped our soccer game and will miss the Boy Scouts event. He doesn’t want anything to eat so momma picked up Lanikai Juice! Hopefully he perks up soon

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Waiting in the school pick up line! She’s excited to see jack!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

We survived jacks first day of kindergarten! He doesn’t say much about it but says he had fun. Adaline asked after him all day and was so happy to see him when we picked him up!

Jack's first day of KINDERGARTEN! We started the day morning with donuts and a few pictures before we walked to school. He was so excited he walked right in and sat at his desk. Momma held it together until she was out of his classroom at least! The walk home Adaline kept asking for Jack. We'll see him after school and can't wait to hear about his first day!