Sunday, April 28, 2019

Jack had his Awana award ceremony tonight. He finished his whole book and memorized over 30 bible versus to earn jewels and his finishers ribbon. Right before jack was about to go up he says "I wish dad could see", so we quickly FaceTimed him so J could see jack accept his award and jack could see dad watching him!

Papa took all 4 kids out to build a snow man 4/27/19. They all had fun!

They started by trying to lift papa up by his feet and then it turned into a wrestling match

Both girls had to sit by nana at breakfast

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Nana and papa got the trampoline put together tonight for us! The kids love it!

She says bye mommy I have to go to work. I’m not sure what kind of work she does with that mask! 

Sunday, April 21, 2019

We played outside all day yesterday with the exception of Adaline when she was napping and ended the day with a push-up on the back step. It was a good day!

Dying Easter eggs yesterday outside

Friday, April 19, 2019

Kids got their hair cut today! This is the first haircut that Adaline didn’t scream bloody murder. She sat nice and talked the lady’s ear off

Lovin the sunshine!

Thursday, April 18, 2019

We dug out an old ballet costume and Adaline loves it so much. She didn’t want to take it off last night for dinner and as soon as we got home from bringing jack to school today she needed to put it on again and she’s been dancing around ever since!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Adaline can be the sweetest little thing one minute and the next she's a sassy spitfire. She's going to be 3 in just a few weeks and I cannot believe how fast she is growing!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Day two home from school stuck inside with the snowstorm and no electricity today...send wine...

Monday, April 8, 2019

Outside time today before the big snow storm comes later this week!