Friday, June 30, 2023

The kids had a great last day of soccer camp! The coaches were amazing! Today after practice they got to have a water fight and dump buckets of ice water on all 3 coaches. They had a blast all week but are looking forward to a more relaxing week next week! 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Jack’s friend came to the door and asked if he could go play at the park behind our house. Adaline didn’t understand she is just a bit too young and can’t go with yet and was so sad. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Soccer camp today! The kids had to wear their team colors. Adaline doesn’t have any yellow so she had to borrow Jack’s shirt!

Monday, June 26, 2023

Whiskey is wondering if these tiny humans can go back to school full time yet.

Soccer camp was too exhausting. We’re struggling to stay awake for our summer workbooks. 

Soccer camp started today! These kids spent 3 hours running around in 80+ degree heat. (By weeks end our high is 110 degrees!) They finished their entire water bottles and they were hot and sweaty when they got home but they both said they had fun!

Friday, June 23, 2023

Jack heated up more lunch by himself today. 

We had a crazy week. We put 14.5 miles of trails under our feet, saw the ocean, saw a volcano, touched a 28,000 year old rock, ate s'mores, walked across suspended bridges in the Redwoods, walked through a canyon of ferns, stuck our noses in a tree crack because it smelled like vanilla, spotted Banana Slugs, got lost, hugged so many trees, and enjoyed a ton of family time. Our time in Redwood National Park and Lassen Volcanic National Park was unforgettable.