Monday, June 12, 2017

Sundays are made for adventures for the Hamilton clan (and friends)! Today during low tide we put the kids in a raft and walked the 1/3 mile out to Chinaman's Hat. When we got to the island we hiked around exploring for a bit. We only had a 2 hour window around low tide to get out there, explore, and walk back before the waters get too high to walk. After we finished our hike, we went snorkeling at Shark's Cove. J got to swim with some sea turtles and the kids and I had fun splashing in the shallows. Jack tried on our friends snorkel set and was able to see a ton of little fish. He loved it! After our snorkel adventure we went to the North Shore Polo match. Everyone is exhausted but looking forward to hopefully adventuring again next weekend!

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